
some urban shots on the railpath

Some urban shots from a walk along the West Toronto Railpath.

Slatted window against a textured wall.

Graffiti on concrete surfaces in an underpass.

Graffiti on a bridge over a railway.

Rusted exhaust vent expelling steam behind an overgrown fence.

As always, thanks for reading.

- dno. ...

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a mix of urban and nature shots

Here I took a mix of some urban and some nature shots.

Close up on the end of a log, with the background blurred out.

A spiderweb backlit by the late afternoon sun.

A couple trees leaning over in the late afternoon beside a pond.

A close-up of a blue stain-glass leaf.

A chip truck parked beside a wood fence.

A close-up of a bulge in a tree.

Some trees and vines growing against a railway barrier.

Thanks for reading/viewing this far!

- dno. ...

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ducklings, dragonflies, and butterflies, oh my!

Some shots of some ducklings, dragonflies, and a butterfly.

Some ducklings reposing on a mossy tree in a pond.

A duckling swimming on a pond.

Two dragonflies alighted on a floating stick in a pond.

A duckling swimming with a leaf in his mouth.

Another young duckling swimming.

A close-up shot of a butterfly on some gravel.

Still working through my processing backlog. So more to come!

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a streetcar and steps

A couple shots from a walk with Anna last Canada Day.

A Toronto (TTC) streetcar with motion blur.

Some stone stairs beside a tree.

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the trees of high park

Here are even more shots of trees from High Park! (Yes, I just keep taking them, and make no apologies!)

Tree in an S shape, among brush and other trees.

Three trees in front of Grenadier pond.

Tall tree rising up beside a path with fence.

Some people sitting on a bench, beneath a tree full of white blossoms.

Thanks for reading!

- dno. ...

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some woodland shots

Here are a few woodland shots from a nature walk in June.

Close up of the bark on the side of a tree.

Path with roots leading up to a higher path.

Leaning tree behind a make-shift fence.

Leaning tree beside a path, with grass and yellow leaves.

As always, thanks for reading!

- dno. ...

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a toad among nature

I’m a bit behind on my processing of photos, and getting caught up.

Here are a few shots from a walk in High Park in June.

A toad sitting on a rock.

A mixed-use path leading through trees making a natural arch over the path.

A tree arching over a pond and reflected in the water, making an oval shape.

Some stone steps leading slightly to the left below a tree.

The base of a dead tree, eroded over time.

I’d like to keep them coming as I get through my backlog. Thanks for reading!

- dno. ...

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squirrels of high park

Black and white shot of overcast train tracks.

A few squirrels from a walk in High Park, Toronto’s largest public park.

A black-coloured eastern grey squirrel sitting on a hump in a tree, keeping an eye out.
An eastern grey squirrel sitting on a branch amongst green foliage and munching on his lunch.
A eastern grey squirrel perched on a log among sticks and leaves.

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woodland shots and colour grading

A short, naturally-worn length of log lying in a woodland area.

A brownish Eastern gray squirrel clutching the side of a tree and looking at the camera.

A dirt road winding among a wooded area, with sunlight peaking through the trees in a few spots.

I experimented with colour grading on my last batch of photos. The main thing was to try and tame the bright greens of tree leaves (photos were taken in the Summer), which after applying my standard Camera colour profile in Lightroom look a little unnatural. See the shots above to see what they look like with this colour grading applied (click for gallery). It’s not exactly realistic, but I think it looks pretty nice. Not sure if I’ll take it this far again, but it was fun.

- dno. ...

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