I saw this fellow tramping among the reeds along the side of Grenadier Pond in High Park. Got a few shots, but I think these are my favourites.
I’ve been trying to take more photos of birds. Not that I want to become a full-fledged bird photographer, but it’s been fun trying to get some good shots.
This kind of started when I went to the Long Branch Tree Festival at Marie Curtis Park. While I was checking out the various booths there with my family, I found one booth was representing the City of Toronto, and they had a pamplet available called “Birding in Toronto”.
The pamphlet referred to a book put out by the city called “Birds of Toronto”, which it said was available for free in any Toronto Public Library branch. Well, I guess it’s out of print now and you can’t get them anymore, but I was able to borrow one there. It’s also available online as part of the City’s Biodiversity Series:
It’s a good book, and lists (p. 58) a lot of areas in the city that are great for viewing birds. I’m definitely planning to visit these!
- dno.