
some urban shots on the railpath

Some urban shots from a walk along the West Toronto Railpath.

Slatted window against a textured wall.

Graffiti on concrete surfaces in an underpass.

Graffiti on a bridge over a railway.

Rusted exhaust vent expelling steam behind an overgrown fence.

As always, thanks for reading.

- dno. ...

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a mix of urban and nature shots

Here I took a mix of some urban and some nature shots.

Close up on the end of a log, with the background blurred out.

A spiderweb backlit by the late afternoon sun.

A couple trees leaning over in the late afternoon beside a pond.

A close-up of a blue stain-glass leaf.

A chip truck parked beside a wood fence.

A close-up of a bulge in a tree.

Some trees and vines growing against a railway barrier.

Thanks for reading/viewing this far!

- dno. ...

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ducklings, dragonflies, and butterflies, oh my!

Some shots of some ducklings, dragonflies, and a butterfly.

Some ducklings reposing on a mossy tree in a pond.

A duckling swimming on a pond.

Two dragonflies alighted on a floating stick in a pond.

A duckling swimming with a leaf in his mouth.

Another young duckling swimming.

A close-up shot of a butterfly on some gravel.

Still working through my processing backlog. So more to come!

- dno. ...

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a streetcar and steps

A couple shots from a walk with Anna last Canada Day.

A Toronto (TTC) streetcar with motion blur.

Some stone stairs beside a tree.

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the trees of high park

Here are even more shots of trees from High Park! (Yes, I just keep taking them, and make no apologies!)

Tree in an S shape, among brush and other trees.

Three trees in front of Grenadier pond.

Tall tree rising up beside a path with fence.

Some people sitting on a bench, beneath a tree full of white blossoms.

Thanks for reading!

- dno. ...

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some woodland shots

Here are a few woodland shots from a nature walk in June.

Close up of the bark on the side of a tree.

Path with roots leading up to a higher path.

Leaning tree behind a make-shift fence.

Leaning tree beside a path, with grass and yellow leaves.

As always, thanks for reading!

- dno. ...

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a toad among nature

I’m a bit behind on my processing of photos, and getting caught up.

Here are a few shots from a walk in High Park in June.

A toad sitting on a rock.

A mixed-use path leading through trees making a natural arch over the path.

A tree arching over a pond and reflected in the water, making an oval shape.

Some stone steps leading slightly to the left below a tree.

The base of a dead tree, eroded over time.

I’d like to keep them coming as I get through my backlog. Thanks for reading!

- dno. ...

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